Episode 2

Okay. A few days late, but it’s done. Episode 2 is live at Amazon. Well, it is in the US. Other territories to follow.

You can click here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IIWVVV4 or just click the awesome picture below. Either one will take you to Amazon.

TheFixerS01E02coverWhat’s the story? Well, like I may have mentioned before, we get to see JC’s reaction to the bomb Senator Marcus dropped in his lap. Get a little, okay a lot, of backstory on Duke. Hear about how he and JC first met. Some backstory on The General. Oh, and you get to actually meet The General. Little hints of stuff between JC and Joan.

Oh, and somebody dies. Not some random bad guy, although that does happen, too.  But somebody who has been with the story from, well, Episode 1.

You know what, you might just want to read the book. It’ll be better that way.


Now, for a little non-story related info.  Episode 2 is twice the length of Episode 1. Well, about 85% longer or so. In real terms, Episode 1 clocked in at a paltry 11,500 words or so. Episode 2? A meaty, hefty 20,000.

Why the difference? Honestly, it just took longer to get from the start to the finish in Episode 2 than it did in Episode 1. Future installments should be clocking in around 15K – 20K or so. Likely around the 15K mark.

As always, reviews are deeply appreciated, either at Amazon or Goodreads. If you do happen to leave me a review, I’d like to thank you personally, so go ahead and drop me a short email at rex@wordpress-1004419-3543411.cloudwaysapps.com. Of course, if you dig The Fixer, spread the word to family, friends, facebookers, twitterers,, redditterers, myspacerererers, etc.

What’s next? Well, Episode 3 is already in progress. I’d like to say it’ll be out next week, but I tried that with my Valentine’s Day prediction for Episode 2 and that didn’t turn out so well. So for the time being, let’s just say… soonish.

Thanks again for reading.



ps – if you haven’t picked up Episode 1, or haven’t signed up for the mailing list (shame!) the link or picture below will take you to Amazon to take care of the first faux pas and the signup on the right side of the webpage will allow you to rectify the second.

Link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HYGDVKY

Picture (because I love this cover so much):



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